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Swedish Language and Cultures

With support from Swedish Institute, Basic Swedish is offered as a selective course to all undergraduate students at Fudan University. The beginner's course is in fall semester, and the course in spring semester is usually intermediate. 

Course Information of Fall Semester, 2013-2014 Academic Year
Time: Monday 18:30-20:00
          Thursday 18:30-20:00
Classroom: Room 304, West Annex, Guanghua Building (光华楼西辅楼304教室), Fudan University, 220 Handan Road   
Credits: 4
Textbook: RIVSTART A1+A2 (Listening materials can be downloaded here). 
Lecturer: Mr Per-Ivar Hansson

People interested in learning Swedish but are not Fudan students are welcome to audit the course after consultation with the lecturer.


Academic English Writing

In contemporary academic world, English has become the main publication language in many fields all over the world. And many Nordic universities have been offering trainning on academic English for some time, and can be of assistance to Chinese researchers. 

In collboration with Fudan University's Faculty Development Programme, the Nordic Centre has invited Ms. Kathleen Moore, Senior Lecturer at the Univerity to Tampere, to guide Fudan teachers and Ph.D candidates on writing academic English for two times. In these two workshops, participants submited their writing samples to Ms. Moore and received her feedbacks. Group discussions were also held to improve participants' skills. 

The last workshop took place between December 14 and 16, 2012 at the Nordic Centre. The next workshop of such kind will be announced here.